Solicitation of Prostitution Defense


Solicitation of prostitution and other related charges are often embarrassing to the defendant and many times damage their personal/work relationships. If you have been arrested for offering to exchange money for sex, whether it was an undercover agent or because of involvement in a sting operation, it is imperative to find an aggressive attorney who has experience in defending these types of cases. A good defense starts before the State Attorney’s Office even has a chance to file the charges it has received from the arresting officer.

Those arrested in cases of this type may be charged with one or more of the following:

796.04: Forcing, compelling, or coercing another to become a prostitute

796.045: Sex trafficking; penalties

796.05: Deriving support from the proceeds of prostitution

796.06: Renting space to be used for lewdness, assignation, or prostitution

796.07: Prohibiting prostitution, etc.; evidence; penalties; definitions

796.08: Screening for HIV and sexually transmissible diseases; providing penalties

796.09: Coercion; civil cause of action; evidence; defenses; attorney’s fees


The rate of arrests for prostitution-related cases has been steadily decreasing in the State of Florida, since 2001.

The official numbers of arrests for prostitution and commercialized vice from 2001-2010 in Florida:

2001:                                                8,698

2002:                                                7,742

2003:                                                7,529

2004:                                                6,583

2005:                                                5,715

2006:                                                5,443

2007:                                                6,131

2008:                                                6,059

2009:                                                5,296

2010:                                                5,048

If you have recently been arrested, you need to take action and protect your future with the help of a good attorney. If you have been accused, Ft. Lauderdale defense attorney Kenneth Padowitz, P.A. will aggressively defend your rights. Our office has a proven track record successfully representing those accused locally in the state of Florida or out of state. Call us today to schedule an appointment.